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Distribution of Values


Hi Users,

I need to distribute 10000 points between different rows (Names) where each should get atleast minimum of 150 points.


  • Distributions.xlsx
    11.2 KB · Views: 11
Just guessing,

In F3, formula copied down :

I tried this formula. But the values are not getting equal distributed most of the cells having the value as 150.

The value to be distributed according to the Numbers proportion. If Column Numbers has only 1 FTE, then the minimum value to be 150
You do realise that this can't be solved using a linear distribution?

Firstly there are 35 records with a value less than 123.9, that is records whose value is less than a value to get 150 points
That uses up 5,250 points leaving 10,000-5,250=4,750 to be distributed to the remaining 13 values

Now due to the range of the remaining 13 values, you need 6,706 points to distribute accross those 13 values.
Problem is that now some of these 13 values are very large and that means the remaining values get less than 150 points

So you have already used 5,250+6,706=11,956 points, Fail
Any help ?
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Thanks for your comment. In my original data set, the total points provided is 210,000 which needs to be distributed across each groups.
The groups values are dynamic
So if the group value has only 1 FTE then minimum point of 150 to be allocated to that group
If Group value is 0 FTE, then that particular group to be excluded and the distribution to be done based on other group FTEs.
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Usual consensus is waiting 24 hrs before bumping. Putting members under pressure might deter them form answering

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Thanks for your message.