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Distribution of Budget based on department performance

Oak Ville

New Member
I am supposed to distribute a budget based on department performance. Can you please help me figure this out.

Thanks in advance


  • Distributing budget based on dept. performance.xlsx
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Thanks oldchippy, my bad for not explaining it properly. Above formula doesn't take into consideration the HC. Sales Dept. budget with 195 HC comes to $147k vs. HR with 14 HC has ~112k and finance with 17HC has same budget as HR.
Hi Oak Ville,

The problem I am having is seeing how the various Dept performance translates into the Total performance, and without this it would be difficult to allocate the Budget.
I tried to split the Budget of 600,000 into a base of 570,747.66 (600,000/107*100) and the balance of 39,252 and then allocate the 570,747 per the headcount and the balance for performance, but could not come up with a relationship for that.


Hi Kchiba,
Various Dept. performance is the Dept. P&L (dept names and performance are all fictional) but I can't link the Dept. performance to total revenue. Obviously Sales as an example is going to have more revenue but their performance to plan is 125%.

Thanks you.
Hi Oak Ville,

In that case I do not think we can propose how your company should allocate the budget based on performance
Hi, myself!
So long...
Do you remember Richard Feynman's quote sometimes missattributed to & disputed with Albert Einstein that says:?
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
  • variant: If you can't explain something to a six-year-old, you really don't understand it yourself.
  • variant: If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

I totally agree with you, except I know what they are asking for and if I put it in a spreadsheet that means I know what the end result is it's just a matter of figuring it out. If it is a fair way of distributing the budget or not -line of sight, etc. - is a different discussion.

Thank you for your input.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help me with this. I solved it.
see attached.


  • Distributing budget based on dept. performance.xlsx
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