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Delete blank rows


New Member
Hi, everybody!

Please point me in the right direction.

I've got a 70-row X 6-column array (A60 to F129). I need to automatically delete all of the rows where all 6 cells are blank. I've usually got only 6-10 rows in the array that have data. (never more than 18 rows).

I need to reduce the size of the array to show only the rows that have data.

I need to do this automatically -- I don't want any user action to be required.

The resulting array should not return errors for any reason.

I need to place the resulting array in another worksheet named "Summary".

I can't figure out how to do this. A regular or array formula is OK, as is a VBA procedure. (FWIW, I'm a newbie regarding VBA, so if it goes this route, I'll need some hand-holding. Note: Be prepared for some dumb questions.)



Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Is it possible for you to share with us either the file or the data in the area with an explanation of what your doing with it and why you need to delete the rows.

It may well be possible to write a formula to ignore the blanks if we know what your trying to do

You can post a sample file, Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

I assume A60:F60 hold column headers.

In H61


Now activate Summary Sheet > Goto Data > Advanced Filter > Check 'Copy to another location' > List range: Select the actual range Sheet1!A60:F129 > Criteria Range: Sheet1!H60:H61 > Copy to A1 or wherever you want to paste the data > OK.

replace the 'Sheet1' from Sheet1!A60:F129 with the actual sheet name

You could record a macro for this action.



Think your data from A1:I70

1. At G1 Write =COUNTA(A1:F1)

2. Select Column G

3. Ctrl+F > Option > Select Values from Look in > Find All > Ctrl+A

4. Close Find dialog box

5. Ctrl+- or Alt+H+D+R



Hi Hendis,

Can you please download the below file and check. (Use Control+q to run the report)



Suresh Kumar S
Sorry that it's taken so long for me to get back to you... (work)

I feel dumb saying this, but I have an example in my Google Drive -- now how do I share it with everybody?
