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Date Function


Hi, I have a sheet which contains the date on which the admission is taken by the students.Eg.some one has taken it on 02/03/2011, some other on 10/03/2011. I have this genuine date in column A. But I need the start date of that particular month in column C as 01/03/2011 for both the cases.
Hi, shibulal!

In column C type:

=FECHA(AÑO(A2);MES(A2);1) -----> in english: =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2),1)

One more Q my friends.

When I extract the result with DSUM 4mula, the cell turns 0 where there is not match.

How can I suppress those ZEROs ?....
Hi, shibulal!

You can format cells with something like "#,##0.00;-#,##0.00;;@" (unquoted) or change the formula to: =IF(DSUM(....)=0,"",DSUM(....)".
