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Data missing from column type Sparkline?


New Member

I have a very small data set that I am displaying in a column type Sparkline.

The data represents units per month so the last figure in the list changes every time I refresh my file (current month figures).

Here is the data set;







The sparkline shows the 6 columns but the last column representing the 634 value is not right - it is displayed as if the value is just above zero (just visible on the graph).

I have checked that the data range is correct, what else could it be?

If I quickly enter 6 values in another worksheet and create a column sparkline from them, it works fine. The values in my other data set are calculated by VLOOKUPs which are working just fine.

Has anyone else come across anything similar?

Hi Drum,

One pattern I have observed with the "column chart" sparkline is that the columns are sized based on the smallest value. (If you add a negative value, the columns are drawn in the negative axis.)

I would suggest adding a zero to your range (as the last value), and that should get the rest of the columns to be properly visible.



This is purely a perception/scaling issue

If you Select the cell with the sparkline

Goto the Sparkline Tools Ribbon, Design Tab

Axis Custom Value 0.0

Enable Show Axis

You will see that the 634 is approximately half the height of the highest value which it should be