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Create graph from ~24000 rows and 400 columns

I have names of files in "A" column with 24000 file names and B column onward have column headers. Columns have numerical data. I want to plot line graph but as columns has more than 255, excel gives error says max. allowed is 255 only.
Can please help/suggest me to generate chart from this data, if this is possible. Or any other thing that can work here.
Samadhan Gaikwad
Do You need graph from ALL those columns?
Of course, one possible is that You'll make TWO graphs.
One graph should be transparent and
then You could show those on top of each other.
There should be one same column for both graphs. ex the 1st column.
Because ... I don't know Your 'sheet' ... You do as You'll do ..
Make the 1st graph from columns 1-200 and
2nd graph from 1 and columns 201-400.
Set 2nd graph to transparent ( can see through ).
Move 2nd graph over 1st graph ... okay?
There should be one same column for both graphs. ex the 1st column.
Because ... I don't know Your 'sheet' ... You do as You'll do ..
Make the 1st graph from columns 1-200 and
2nd graph from 1 and columns 201-400.
Set 2nd graph to transparent ( can see through ).
Move 2nd graph over 1st graph ... okay?
Ok. Got it. Thank you, I will try.

I would highly question the logic of trying to :
1. Plot 9.6 Million data points
2. Understand the results

Plotting 9.6 Million points will just be a blur at best

If you are trying to understand the relationships between the data, i'd recomend

1. Calculate the key metric for each data series, ie: Is it correlation to a line of best fit, slope of the line of best fit, Mininimum or Maximum Standard Deviation or some other measure

2. Select the 2-10 or so sets of data that meet that specification and plot those if you need
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I tried to confirm those 24k row & 400columns to graph ...
but if someone really want to get something
then sometimes it's seems to be more clear
that someone would notice himself
... that it's not good to want whatever.
(but it would be interesting to see that graph.)
Even a 4K TV doesn't have 9 Million pixels, so it really is pointless

You could display every 10th or 100th point in each series and risk losing the definition