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Converting files to values


I have a folder with a lot of Excel files, of the coporate year-end reporting sort. I need to convert all of them to values. Do I really have to do this workbook by workbook, sheet by sheet? Any shortcuts please?
"convert to values"

Please define this better. Are you wanting all formulas to become values? Are you wanting a grand sum?
Hi Luke, I want all the formulas to convert to values, that's all. Could do it with paste special but it's a lot of workbooks with a lot of sheets - there must be a more efficient way. Thanks.
You can write a macro to open each of the workbooks one by one

Loop through all the sheet and copy paste values in them

and the save and close (all through the macro)

Thanks Vijay - that's probably how it'll need to be done. I don't have much macro experience but that's my problem now!

Here you go... part of this is adapated from Hui's code

Sub List_Files()

Dim f As Object, fso As Object

Dim folder As String

Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

Set ws = ActiveSheet

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)


If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then

MsgBox "Cancelled"


End If

folder = .SelectedItems(1)

End With

    For Each f In fso.GetFolder(folder).Files

If Right(f.Name, 3) = "xls" Then

Application.Workbooks.Open f.Name

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets




Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False



ActiveWorkbook.Close True

End If


End Sub
Sorry forgot to explain...

After you run the macro... you will be presented with a open dialog box...

Just locate the folder which has all your excel files and click on OK

Rest the code will do automatically...

PS: copy paste as values is an irreversible process; please ensure you have made backups before you run the macro

Vijay - I'm not a VBA user so I've probably made some beginner's errors. I set up a trial folder to test your code and had a few failures and one success - without being able to see what I'd done right. Now I'm consistently failing!

I opened a new workbook, opened VBA and copied your code, then pressed F5 and selected the folder. Same each time.

I'm running Excel in Spanish but that isn't a problem with VBA, right?


Spanish should not be a problem... could you advise what version of excel you are using...

and the files that need to be pasted as values what is the version for them.

In the above code; we are only looking for files that have XLS extension (v2003 and previous)

Yes, that might be it then. I'm running 2007, but I've only just upgraded from 2003 so I'll have a mix of xls and xlsx to convert. I looked at your code and did wonder if that could have something to do with it. If you could tell me the change I need to make to the VBA that'd be great - meanwhile I'll check that the code works if I just use xls files


Do you have teamviewer installed on your system, we can have a remote session where i can check and advice on what is happening.

I am also on FB.... http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=643050427

Haven't got teamviewer (I have got gotomeeting though). I've sent a screenshot to your facebook address. Thanks

Can you please set a gotomeeting and send me the invite on sharma.vijay1-at-gmail.com

I will join in

Vijay - it turns out that for an unrelated issue I was recently (but before I migrated to v2007) told to save the personal.xls file to the following address in my PC:

C:Documents and Settings"juanito"Application DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART

Now is that the wrong place and could that be causing the issues? It's not the same place that Hui said here (http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/how-can-i-reuse-macros#post-4432) but even so he warned that locations can vary.

Please see the full code below


Sub List_Files()

Dim f As Object, fso As Object

Dim folder As String

Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

Set ws = ActiveSheet

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)


If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then

MsgBox "Cancelled"


End If

folder = .SelectedItems(1)

End With

For Each f In fso.GetFolder(folder).Files

If Right(f.Name, 3) = "xls" Or Right(f.Name, 4) = "xlsx" Then

Application.Workbooks.Open f.Name

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets




Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False



ActiveWorkbook.Close True

End If


End Sub



Start recording a new macro useing the Record Macro button on the developer Dialog

Change the "Store macro in:" to Personnel.xlsx

do something trivial and stop recording

Now go and look for your personnel.xlsx file which will have a new Date/Time

Shift your macros as appropriate
Hui: I wasn't able to specify the name of "personnel.xlsx" (did you mean "personal") since it was saved by default. However, I saved the trivial macro as you suggested and it's "personal.xls" at the address I show a couple of posts above. I suspect that wasn't the issue and that we're good now.
