New Member
Hi All,
I have been trying to convert race times to seconds. I download them and they come formatted as such 01:12.5 which equates 1 minute 12.5 seconds. I want to convert the formatted time to 72.5 I have tried the 'secound' function but it just returns '13' which is the last bit rounded. I tried INT(A1*1440) which separated the one minute in a helper column and then in another helper column I put =A1 and formatted as 'ss.0' which
gave me the 12.5 I needed so then I multiplied the 1 minute by 60 and added it to the formatted 12.5 which resulted in 60.00083854. So I have been trying to make the formatted .00083854 back the a number [12.5] All messy I know but that is the extent of my lame efforts so far. I'm sure somebody out there will have a chuckle and give me a simple formula. I'm certain it's a bit more difficult than it sounds though.
I have been trying to convert race times to seconds. I download them and they come formatted as such 01:12.5 which equates 1 minute 12.5 seconds. I want to convert the formatted time to 72.5 I have tried the 'secound' function but it just returns '13' which is the last bit rounded. I tried INT(A1*1440) which separated the one minute in a helper column and then in another helper column I put =A1 and formatted as 'ss.0' which
gave me the 12.5 I needed so then I multiplied the 1 minute by 60 and added it to the formatted 12.5 which resulted in 60.00083854. So I have been trying to make the formatted .00083854 back the a number [12.5] All messy I know but that is the extent of my lame efforts so far. I'm sure somebody out there will have a chuckle and give me a simple formula. I'm certain it's a bit more difficult than it sounds though.