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Conditional Formatting based on content used with a Gantt Chart


New Member
I have a standard generic Excel Gantt chart that works perfectly fine that I would like to show different colored bars based on a name in one of the cells. Can anyone help.

A1, B1, C1,

xx, 8/1/2011, 8/15/2011

yy, 8/2/2011, 8/10/2011

If xx then show red bar, if yy then show blue bar, etc...

My standard grey bar conditional formula is =AND(Q$3>=$B1,Q$3<=$B1+$L1-1)

Q$3 = start date

$A1 = first cell of start date column

$L1 = no. of days to complete
I'd suggest you do two chart overlaying one on top of the other. Set condition where only one graph would display.
Add another series to the chart

All values for this series will be 0 except where the bar is

the cell will have your formula to put a value in subject to the condition or otherwise a na()

color this series Red

In the existing series change the cells formula to do the opposite.

That is when the condition is met put a =na() otherwise put the value

Color this series Blue

Make sure the series are in the right order
Hui -

That makes perfect sense and that's exactly where I was heading. However, could you provide some insight into the logic I would use to look at the value in A1 to determine if a bar should display? Pseudo code would be something like:

If I find "xx" in Column A and the dates look good go ahead and display a blue bar

If I find "yy" in Column A and the dates look good go ahead and display a red bar (separate series)

Something like this

=IF(ISERROR(FIND(LOWER("xx"),LOWER(A1),1)),"No","Yes") + AND(Q$3>=$B1,Q$3<=$B1+$L1-1)

The logic of these two statements work independently - I need help with combining them.
Can you post your file somewhere ?

Here you go: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=564f9597e16a0def&sc=documents&id=564F9597E16A0DEF!116

You will see there are standard gray bars that display for each person in column D. I would like to colorize the bars to be specific to each person.
Can you please check the file permissions as I'm getting a

"An error has occurred. Please try again."


or email me

Email is at Bottom of Excel Ninja page, link under my Picture to the left
Wouldn't the easiest way be to just select N6:IR6 and apply the CF to that

then do Row 7 etc

Change Color of each CF to suit


Select N6:IR11

Change the GREY CF equation to =AND(N$3>=$E6,N$3<=$E6+$I6-1,MOD(ROW(),2)=1)

and add a new BLUE CF with equation =AND(N$3>=$E6,N$3<=$E6+$I6-1,MOD(ROW(),2)=0)