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Conditional formatering of smart art


New Member
Hey Chandoo

Thanks for an amazing homepages that have help me a lot in the past. Now I have a question That I can't find any solution to. I have made a questionnaire based on drop down boxes, and based on the answers I want to colour the arrows in a process diagram (you know a series of arrows that show a process). Unfortunately I can't make the conditionally formatting work in either just a simple drawn figure or in the Smart art. I hope very much that you can help.

Kind regard

Ulrik Heefelt
You would need to use VBA on a change event to acheive what you need.

Alternatively in Excel 2007 you can use the Icon sets to create a simular look.
Four ideas , you can either:

1. Use a Camera Tool and have it based on a named range looking up different colord shapes

2. Write a small macro which will change the shapes colors based on cell contents

3. Use the built in Icon sets from Excel 2007+

4. Use Wingding Fonts and then conditional formatting for the colors
Hmm, thanks for the input but unfortunately I now less about Excel than your guys. Can you give a little more input to a not as experienced Excel user as your self