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Cond Formating to track cell value change - tracking change - plz help


New Member
Hi, Very simple problem,

I need to track changes by changing cell colour. If the value of a cell is changed from its current value to either 0 or 1. I want the cells to be hilighted in red or orange.

- Cell values will be input manually in each cell.

- values will be either 0 or 1.


If current cell D11 has a value 0. If value changed to "1" manual input, I want cell D11 to be in red or orange colour after this change.

If current cell D11 has a value 1. If value changed to "0" manual input, I want cell D11 to be in red or orange colour after this change.

You can use Conditional Formatting (CF) for this

CF doesn't look at the change in values, just the new values

Select the Range assume D5:F10

Goto CF

Add a New CF using a Formula

Use the formula =D5=0

set the Fill color as Red


then add a new CF

Add a New CF using a Formula

Use the formula =D5=1

set the Fill color as Orange

Thank you for your response but the only problem is that I already have 0 and 1 in the data sheet, I want it to change if someone changes the value.

If I use the above all 0 will be read and all 1s will be orange even if they are not changed.

I only want the cell to be coloured if the value is changed.

is it possible if i can send or load a cut of the data so I can explain better?

thank you Hui.
Hi, faisal2013!

Consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you. Give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.
