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Comparison chart


New Member

I am new to this forum.

I want to make a comparison between different columns of a single spread-sheet in the following manner:

Column B & G

Column C & H

I want to draw a single chart as a result of this comparison between different columns.

Can anybody please guide me how to do it.

Can you tell us what sort of data is in each Column?

and How do you want to compare the columns

When you say between columns B&G, C&H

Do you want to Chart B vs G or B divide G plotted against something else

Do you want 2 lines on the chart or just 1?

Thank You for the reply.

I want to have 2 comparisons on the same chart like i mentioned above:

Column B & G

Column C & H

The comparison will be between columns B & G, and C & H (no divisions or any other arithmetic operation)

It would be good if i can send you some sample data in attachment in your email and then explain you.

Please tell me if it is possible?

I have put a chart here


The first question I asked above was what type of data do you have which you didn't answer

If the data in B&C is Dates or Text this type of chart may not help you

It is always a lot easier if you provide the data and we can then answer your questions without wasting time going in wrong directions from having too little data

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