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Comparing the Column and highlighting the Same number

Rafay Ahmed

New Member
Hi All,
Attached is the file, I have to compare two columns and highlight both the columns.
Further guidelines are in the Sheet.


  • Chandoo File.xlsx
    22.6 KB · Views: 5
Select B2:C481
goto the Home, Conditional Formatting, New Rule tab
Format values where: =$B2=$C2


set a Format with the Format Button


Thank Hui. Narayan is right its not working when the match is in different rows. Also, I have different set of data, in the attachment. can you help me in this case also?


  • Chandoo File.xlsx
    10.8 KB · Views: 2
I dont think so, as sum of the highlighted amounts in debit and credit should be equal. See 86.49 is twice in Credits and once in Debits, 86.49 should get highlighted once in each debit and credit leaving one unhighlighted in credits,
Your original data file only highlighted the Matching 100's

It didn't highlight the other data shown below, which yes does match