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Combine text from multiple cells so text on multiple lines of destination cell


New Member

I am trying to automate the creation of data labels for a bar graph that include both the number and the percent of the total, with the number stacked on top of the percent so that it's easier to read. So far I have:

=text(b2,"#,###")&"; "&text(c2,"0%")

so that I get "120; 10%" in cell d2.

However, what I would like to do is have the percent on a second line so that it looks like this:



above its respective bar of the bar graph.

When I try adding alt+enter into d2 in between the two text functions and inside of the quotation marks, i.e. "; alt+enter", all that comes up is that graphic of a question mark inside of a box to show that Excel doesn't recognize the character. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated!
=TEXT(B2,"#,###")&"; "&CHAR(10)&TEXT(C2,"0%")

Note: You have to have Wrap Text enabled

Ctrl 1, Alignment, Wrap Text
=TEXT(B2,"#,###")&"; "&CHAR(10)&TEXT(C2,"0%")

Note: You have to have Wrap Text enabled

Ctrl 1, Alignment, Wrap Text
This is a test

<img src="http://cache.chandoo.org/logos/chandoo-blog-logo.png" alt="Test" />
This is a test

<img src="http://cache.chandoo.org/logos/chandoo-blog-logo.png" alt="Test" />