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Charting specific criteria in a list of data Excel 2010


Hello all.....thanks in advance!!

Attached sample...
So I will have a list of Vendors (15 total) and various scores during evaluation periods.
I want to be able to just chart the specific vendor only across all time and then perhaps (maybe) a period of a year. I am using the NA() function as I believe that tells excel to skip over the cells and not graph but when I tried to create this I am getting hung up.

I anticipate that the # of scores (across all vendors in columns A:D) will be somewhere near 500 entries so the charting will have to cover that many entries.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!!


  • jcalvaccatest1.1.xlsx
    26.3 KB · Views: 4
Have a read of the technique described here to extract just the data you want to chart

Single Criteria
Multiple Criteria

or more properly simply apply a slicer to the chart
View attachment 26792
See attached file:

I LOVE the Slicer concept!

Which chart option creates this on my "real" file after I turn columns A:D into a table?

Thanks Hui!