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change macro for excel2007


New Member
Hi to all,
it's possibile chande this macro for excel2007?

Sub fixCF_Formatting()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim CF_range As Range
    Set CF_range = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not CF_range Is Nothing Then
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In CF_range
        If cell.Interior.Color <> cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color Then _
                        cell.Interior.Color = cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
    Next cell
    ' remove the CF if desired
    End If
End Sub

this part not work for excel 2007

If cell.Interior.Color <> cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color Then _
                        cell.Interior.Color = cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
thank you
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I found this macro in the forum

Sub blah()
Set srce = Range("BY11:CV20")
Set destn = Range("AC11:AZ20")
For rw = 1 To srce.Rows.Count
  For clm = 1 To srce.Columns.Count
    destn.Cells(rw, clm).Interior.Color = srce.Cells(rw, clm).DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
  Next clm
Next rw
End Sub

but it doesn't work here
destn.Cells(rw, clm).Interior.Color = srce.Cells(rw, clm).DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
You cannot use DisplayFormat in 2007 as it was only added in 2010. To access conditional formatting colours in 2007 is much, much more involved. Chip's page here will give you an idea of what is involved (for simple colour formatting at least).