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Cell Value Based on Another Cells Calculation


New Member
I have a workbook (tracker) with a “Main Sheet” where all of the user data is entered. I want some of the information to roll up into my “Program Status” worksheet.

Cell D16 has a simple formula to pull a date from the “Main Sheet”


In column A I have 2 years of monthly dates created by a formula



A22=’Mainsheet’!G2+90 etc. spanning 2 years

I want all of the cells in column A to validate whether they match the “LQR” date that is in D16 or the “SOP” date in cell F16. I thought it would be simple like this…


I think the problem is that the cells don’t match because they are both formulas. I really want the result of A20, A21…etc.
Well, I guess its in the subject line really. Sorry about that.

How can I get all of the cells in column A to validate whether they match the “LQR” date that is in D16 or the “SOP” date in cell F16?
Fred thanks for you quick reply. I have to leave work in a few minutes but I will check back here tomorrow.
Your original formula should be correct...XL doesn't care whether the value is hard-entered, or from a calculation. Also, you didn't state in post what is is in F16 exactly. Now, a few trouble shooting things:

Is your formula being copied? Is it copying correctly (relative vs. absolute references)? Solution:


Are the dates coming in as nice round numbers, or are there some hidden decimals? Change the formatting to check. Solution: Use a ROUND or INT function to trim the number.

Still no luck? Could you post a short example, eg., what you have and what you'd like to see (and what you're actually seeing)?
To the great wisdom of excel community: did I misinterpret Diane's question? How would you take on her question?

According to above you have Dates in A20 which comes from Mainsheet G2 + 30 days

You then say you have an “LQR” date in D16 and a “SOP” date in F16

Now it depends what is in D16 and F16

Above you say =’Mainsheet’!K2

so If K2 is a Date, cool, if not ?

Your formula:


is comparing a Date in A2 to D16 and F16

So it depends what values are in A20, D16 and F16

Can you post your file for us to review

Shoot, it's tough being a newbie. :) Let me try to clarify.

HUI...in response to your question above....yes, the value in mainsheet K2 is a date.

My objective is to get all column A cells to validate if their value matches the value in D16 or F16.

I'm gonna try to post my workbook, have never done that before. I'll be back.
I tried using google docs for sharing my file but I keep getting an error message.

I still don't have a formula for my initial question. I'm hoping someone comes thru for me.
if K2 from mainsheet is a date then D16 is a date (a specific number).

So is F16 a date as well, are you sure?

If they are dates that mean they are numbers.

In your column A it should be a bunch of dates, as you put it, spanning over 2 years. So they are also numbers.

Your question, if I am not mistaken, is to find out if there is any dates on column A that would match that of D16 or F16. Do you mean the whole column A or just an area of column A (some cells not all cells), because your example starts from A20? There is a huge difference if your matching cells starts from A20 and not A1.
i have reformated my formula to

= IF ( ISNUMBER ( MATCH( $D$16, $A:$A,0) ) , "LQR",IF( ISNUMBER( MATCH($F$16, $A:$A, 0)), "SOP", "N/A") )
I tried this but it doesn't work. Fred, you are correct in my question. I want to find out if there are any dates in columm A 18-42 that match D16 or F16.
so the new formula looks like this....


I did that but it's not working. It still comes up saying "N/A" in cell A27 where I KNOW it's a match to D16
are you sure the date doesn't have "Time" imbedded?

a date with time is different from a date with no time.
PPAP: Sep-11 LQR: Jun-12 SOP: Aug-12

Date Milestone Height Dummy Milestone

Sep-11 PPAP 1 0 PPAP

Oct-11 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Nov-11 N/A #N/A 0 N/A

Dec-11 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Jan-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Feb-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Mar-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Apr-12 N/A #N/A 0 N/A

May-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Jun-12 N/A #N/A 0

Jul-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Aug-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A

Sep-12 #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A
Just to double check (in case there's something screwy)

Type a formula of:


Based on your response above to Hui's question, the simple formula should work. I've got a hunch though that there's some extra spaces or decimals or something messing things up.

your dates are only showing month and year. that's not a complete date. Try expanding your cell to include DAYS as well.
Luke - I applied your formula and it comes back as "FALSE". See the bold text in my prior post. Those are columns D16 and A27
Fred I think you have it! now that I have expanded the date to include days Cell D16 is June 15, 2012 and cell A27 is June 7 2012.

That being said....I don't want to match the DAY of the event, just the MONTH of the event. Any suggestions?
Ok, so, now we know that Fred/Hui's formula is not the problem, it's the data.

Change both cells formatting to Number with 16 decimals showing. Let's see where things are going wrong.