I never saw that line and I just tried to find it and nop... Should I begin to wear glasses?
It'd be useful to use it with a phone, today I use Firefox or Chrome for Android to access Chandoo's website, always as if I were at Desktop.
EDIT: Just navigating in the phone and there yes it appears that option. But I guess that not in the desktop browsers edition; otherwise I'm not still as recovered as I thought
May be ahhhmed is using one of those very large phone + tablet + PC combination devices that has 13 inch screen. It might look like a pc, but it is a phone
PS: I would try if someone has turned on mobile mode (by changing user agent) in your browser. If so, you can google and find steps to reset it.
@SirJB7.... I say rush to your doctor and ask for a refund. I cant find a picture of me in park on the blog
I couldn't see that toggle button neither on desktops nor laptops under Win7 of many kinds. But I do see it from my phone, usually with Firefox or Chrome (checked in FF). So what browser are you using in your desktop?
Maybe his user agent sold his browser to the enemies... and now he has not browser any more... or perhaps he was part of the trade... say goodbye to ahhhmed.
PS: If I were he, I'd have fired that user long ago.