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Best books on Excel VBA


New Member

Good morning,

I need your advice on good books on Excel 2007/2010 and VBA. I am an advanced user of Excel for the last 10+ years. I explored a lot in excel, but I am frightened to touch VBA seeing the code and all. I have a flair for VBA and I tried hard to love VBA but somehow I developed a fear/phobia kind of thing seeing all those coding. My biggest worry is it takes a life time to learn all these coding, that's what my impression about VBA. But in the case of Excel usage I don't have any fears, I will poke at any thing and get it done at the end of the day somehow.

So tell me the best books on both the subjects. Please keep in mind what I said about my familiarity with the subjects.


best or not but I am reading this book now a days and find it interesting:

OP referring to Excel for Dummies Vba Programming.(Bobhc)

I have deleted your post as it contained a link to a copyright book.

I don't think it is appropriate to post this sort of information here at Chandoo.org even though it may bee freely available on the internet.

You are quite at liberty to mention the name of the book and give a recommendation/review as Carlos requested
OK Boss!!!! my mistake. BTW the sharing of copyrighted material is infringement not address of where it is stored and I did not produce any part of the copyrighted material in any form.


Try this link for a very good introduction to VBA

Thank you all. Anyways, If one has to learn something, especially a technical thing like VBA, he has to buy a hard copy rather than depending upon a downloaded soft copy.


Hi roodhan,

Welcome to the Forums!! We don't allow posting links of copyright material here on this blog. For detailed rule you can go through this:


Please read thoroughly and start new thread for every query.
