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Arranging items in ascending order on a chart in excel 2003


New Member
Hi everyone.

can I arrange all items on x-axis in a chart in ascending order based on values on y-axis? Actually i have a data matrix having various columns of data categories for respective variable in rows. Therefore i cannot sort a particular column in my data series. Instead I want excel charts to automatically arrange in ascending/descending order(highest bars first)

Although I dont know ABC of VB but is it possible to do so through Vba in excel 2003?

What you have described is a Pareto chart

Have a read of:

Thanks a lot Hui.

I guess i didnt described the requirement adequately. I can send you my excel sheet for better understanding. Can you please share your email with me?

Appreciate your usual support

Although you say you cannot sort due to your "data matrix", the only way to do what you want is to insert an intermediate block of cells which will do the sorting automatically

Please post your file somewhere:
