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application.getsaveas method


New Member
Hi, I'm having a problem with the following code - the getsave as method works fine, but it comes up with a runtime error, on the saveas line. I think its something to do with the Initialfilename string, but havent been able to figure it out.

Dim sFileName As String

Dim sCampaignName As String

Dim sht As Worksheet

Sub SaveCopy()

'saving a copy

sCampaignName = "Campaign Results: " & Control.Range("E3").Value & " " & Format(Now, "yy-mm-dd") & ".xls"

sFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("sCampaignName", "Excel 97-2003 workbook (*.xls),*.xls", 1)

If sFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFileName, xlExcel8

End Sub

Try removing the : from the sCampaignName = line
Hi Hui, essentially what I'm trying to do is specify the filename, but allow the user to choose the file location, which is why I have created the sCampaignName variable.

You cannot use a : in a file name

So remove the : and you should be ok

Maybe replace it with a - character
oh so simple...and thats why you're a ninja...! thanks heaps, I was racking my brain so hard trying to get it to work, and I was stumped as I had used getsaveas many times before!