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Any fans of Walkenbach 2003 Charts out there?


New Member
In chapter 7 of his 'Excel Charts' book from 2003, he has a section on creating a dynamic chart where the series plotted depends on the location of the Active Cell in the worksheet.

In the new edition of this book, 'Excel 2007 Charts', his Table of Contents is very similar, but this section of chapter 7 is omitted. Sure enough, I'm not able to replicate the chart in Excel 2007.

Oddly enough, I've got some things to work but not all. Is it not possible in Excel 2007? I just found that to be one of the best interactive charts I have created at work in the past and would like to contiune using it. It seems to work fine in Excel 2003 but 2007 is difficult. Does anyone know how to apply the same type of chart in 2007?!

Any help would be appreciated.


If you have John's 'Excel Charts' 2003, everything in Chapter 7 is the same in 2007.

The Charting and Named Ranges dialogues may look different but the functionality is still the same.

There are however a small bug in Excel 2007/10 where Excel doesn't recognise the word "Chart" in named ranges which are used within Charts.

So delete all your named ranges and remake them as per John's 2003 instructions.

I used Title and Data as the Named Range names instead of ChartData and ChartTitle.

Take particular note of the location of the active cell which must be in A3 when you start making the named ranges.

I have put a working example here for your review

Hi Hui,

For some reason, I didn't think I got any response to my question because I e-mailed John Walkenbach and he said he didn't put it the book because he, himself, couldn't get it to work. I guess he hadn't met THE Excel Ninja yet. Thank you so much for the example. It is so helpful!