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Advance Filter not working

Hi Chandoo Experts,
I have an advanced filter project I am working on. On the tab advanced filtering, I have a list of cars with some specs. I have the criteria range above the list. Also, I have named the ranges. So when I do the advanced filter it just won't display the criteria. Can you help me with this? I'm not sure why this isn't working. I thank you for your help, Joe.


  • caradvfilter.xlsx
    58.2 KB · Views: 8
Did you watch the video, because the first half is all about doing it without VBA so that you understand exactly how advanced filtering works. I saw no example in your workbook as to how you set up your advance filtering. No expected results. provided in your example.
Clear all the cells in Rows 2:6, they should have nothing in them
Except for the cells with the Selection Criteria

Then it works fine