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Search results

  1. ashakantasharma

    It’s Excel’s world, we just live in it.

    It’s Excel’s world, we just live in it.
  2. ashakantasharma

    Microsoft Excel takes 8085002100000259 as 8085002100000250 which caused fund transfer to wrong Bank Account

    Hi All Community Members, I would like to share a strange problem with Microsoft Excel. We tried to initiate some Bill Payments to our Suppliers for which an Excel Sheet needs to be filed with Supplier bank details like Account Number, IFSC Code, Amounts etc which gets uploaded at Bank Site to...
  3. ashakantasharma

    excel hanging

    Get an i3, or i5, Switch to 64bit Office, Increase RAM, Close unnecessary applications.
  4. ashakantasharma

    Workbook Saving issue

    I think the Excel File is marked as READ ONLY and so it is not allowing to change the core/base file and letting the user SAVE AS with a different name. Please check the file properties of the Excel File and change any read only option which should resolve your issue.
  5. ashakantasharma

    Extract first letter from each word in cell

  6. ashakantasharma

    Extract first letter from each word in cell

    In Excel, you can create a User Defined Function to extract the first letters of every words in a cell. Please do as this: 1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window.<...
  7. ashakantasharma

    Advanced Multi variable analysis and Graphs

    https:/ /www.educba.com/3d-plot-in-excel/
  8. ashakantasharma

    Hide hyperlink worksheets

    Can you share a sample/demo Excel Files for reference ?
  9. ashakantasharma

    How to open shared folder which is in cloud through vba

    Open Excel and go open files option and add the network place in cloud where files are stored which can be opened.
  10. ashakantasharma

    FIND CELL (i.e-a1:c4) and or count cells of merge cells through formula

    You can also use =COUNTIF & =COUNTIFS if you want to count cells that match specific criteria.
  11. ashakantasharma

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello Everyone, I am Asha Kanta Sharma from India. I am currently working as Manager - Finance & Accounts and would like to gain and have a larger exposure in Excel and Data Analytics. Hope to learn and share useful insight on this great platform for the benefit of all.