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Search results

  1. Seahorse

    Radial bar chart

    Clever stuff, so A9 to F18 are the Dimensions and the cordinates for the black bars. Col G are the labels for chart. D6 & 7, E6 & 7 generate the green and red bars, with E being a transparent bar in a second series, is that actually required? If you use it for percentages, it looks to go from...
  2. Seahorse

    Pivot Calendar - Week starts on Monday

    Weird, that was the first thing I tried and it broke the calendar! At first glance it seems to be doing exactly what I have tried and failed to do. Thanks, I'll play with it some more to ensure it plays nice. Thanks for the assistance ;)
  3. Seahorse

    Pivot Calendar - Week starts on Monday

    I've asked a couple of times in the thread, to no avail, but in short I should be able to change this so that the week start on Monday and the last two cell in a Row are Sat & Sun. I have tinkered with the template several times, but either I break the calculations so that the day/date are...
  4. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    Apologies, I was really quite ill yesterday and unable to think straight. OK, if you change status to "On Going", Matrix coloumn is blanked and your ongoing risk dissapears from the Risk Matrix. I have added an OR to fix that. =IF(OR(E8="Open",E8="On Going"),C8&"-"&D8,"")
  5. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    On further testing, changing the status to closed or Ongoing, them populates column G with some odd answers? I have a ripping headache, and don't feel up to nesting IFs! Correction closed does work, just ongoing, however I am going for a lie down before this headache kills me...
  6. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    That's an elegant an simpler approach to the problem that does the job. Thank you Sir. :awesome:
  7. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    I have played with this some more, but I don't seem to be able to insert more than one entry with the same rating in a cell. Any suggestions please?
  8. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    Perfect, we're there dude. Thank you both :)
  9. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    If $C contains TBA I simply want it to return "", the same as when there is no date/time present in the cell. Column E is either the duration of the task from Cols C & D or blank.
  10. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    Hui, sorry to be dense it's working correctly now, it's a shame about the clunky entry date/time format but it does automate this rather painful task :) I have stripped the seconds out, as they are of no consequence. Fixed example attached for ease of reference for others.:awesome: Final...
  11. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    Despite further fiddling, the date time custom number issue remains as do partially working formulas? Further more the suggested replacement misses several hours in it's answer?
  12. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    This works as a custom date - dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss however the output with the new formulas is still #value? apart from line 4?
  13. Seahorse

    Duration (Time), Custom Date and different than expected outputs

    So I have a plan that has start and end date/times using one of the custom options - dd mm yy\ hh:mm. What want to do is add new column that checks there is a start date time group, end date time group and the supplies the answer as 1 Day 05:20 or is blank...
  14. Seahorse

    Inconsistent Date format in Bar Chart

    I am absolutely positive I set that in the office, but Format Axis > Axis Options > Numer > Format Code > Add resolved it. Thanks for the steer.
  15. Seahorse

    Inconsistent Date format in Bar Chart

    I have the following spreadsheet & chart working perfectly and looking how I want it with the exception of the first date which stays as a Comma Style vallue 41699 rather then the custom date format of 1 Mar 14. I have set it as text whilst formatting the axis but it won't play nice. Where...
  16. Seahorse

    IF and absolute references

    Works perfectly, goodbye cruel IF...:awesome:
  17. Seahorse

    IF and absolute references

    =IF($D2=2,$B2,"") I just need to run down a column looking for a number and then pull the result from a cell in the same row. What I think this should do is check column D for the first instance of '2' and populate the cell with whatever is in the matching row in Column B, and NOT to return a...
  18. Seahorse

    Conditional Formatting. Highlight if two columns > 0

    Doh! been staring at the screen too much :confused:
  19. Seahorse

    Conditional Formatting. Highlight if two columns > 0

    Thank you Sir, does the job :cool:
  20. Seahorse

    Conditional Formatting. Highlight if two columns > 0

    I want to hightlight a number if closed date is populated (the number is a priority and clearly if it's closed it shouldn't be populated). Column A is the Priority, column C is the closure date. So what I want to do is highlight a row if if column A is >0 and column C >0...
  21. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    Yes, simplifies it considerably, many thanks. :) One issue, if two projects have the same rating Say B2, only one appears in the Risk Matrix in B2.
  22. Seahorse

    Modified Risk Map

    This is a cross post from this the Risk Map page to allow the spreadsheet to be attached.
  23. Seahorse

    COUNTIFS - 3 tests

    Gents, bracketing is the answer, so date need two to cover, so this actually test 4 conditions, not 3. Finished version reads =COUNTIFS(A2:A8, "Refurb",B2:B8,">="&TODAY()-7,B2:B8,"<="&TODAY(),C2:C8, "None") Thanks you both. ;)
  24. Seahorse

    COUNTIFS - 3 tests

    =COUNTIFS(A2:A8, "Refurb",B2:B8,">="&TODAY()-7,C2:C8, "None") I just got to this here (snap!) Something wrong though, row 4 is a FUTURE date and should not be counted. ">="&TODAY()-7 should be 18-25 March for today?
  25. Seahorse

    COUNTIFS - 3 tests

    This is the formula: =COUNTIFS(A2:A8, "Refurb",B2:B8,">=TODAY()-7",C2:C8, "None") In short I need to count if: Workstream = Refurb Date=last 7 days Fail=None However, getting an answer of 0 when it should be two as per the attached test sheet. it appears the date test is the problem.