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Conditional Formatting. Highlight if two columns > 0


I want to hightlight a number if closed date is populated (the number is a priority and clearly if it's closed it shouldn't be populated). Column A is the Priority, column C is the closure date. So what I want to do is highlight a row if if column A is >0 and column C >0


I am assuming my syntax is wrong, but this looks ok checking online examples and a working COUNTIF formula?


  • Highlight when column AND close date populated.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 5
Hi Seahorse, I am sure you must be knowing this. Just incase..

Your formula is searching a string rather than a number.
Use of "" for criteria >0 has turned this in a string.

The formula you were using will show true if A3 and C3 has string value: >0.
It is not checking the numeric value 0

Good night.
Hi Seahorse, I am sure you must be knowing this. Just incase..

Your formula is searching a string rather than a number.
Use of "" for criteria >0 has turned this in a string.

The formula you were using will show true if A3 and C3 has string value: >0.
It is not checking the numeric value 0

Good night.

Doh! been staring at the screen too much :confused: