^ is exponentiation operator.
E.g: 9 ^ 2 = 9 * 9 = 81
* Try this in Excel for quick demo:
1. Enter any number in Cell A1 of an excel sheet
2. Enter '=A1^2' (without quotes) in A2 cell
3. You will get square of the number you have entered in cell A1
Hi Debraj Roy,
Ignore the previous link.
I have updated below mentioned link; it is downloadable now.
Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gdm4xMzZfZkFTSUk/edit?pli=1
Import macro to your power point project. For any queries & further help mail me at 'wade2586@gmail.com'
Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gTEo0SGRDai1tUGs/edit
Sorry to say this, but I am not getting a clear idea about yor problem frm what u hv described in above post. can u please share 'that' excel sheet (with some temporary data) & pls describe yor problem in detail ? My mail ID is 'wade2586@gmail.com'
Hey vvgiri
I have created one sample excel sheet with macro in it.
I hope this Macro will fulfill your current requirement of updating the numbers.
I can mail this sample excel sheet to you.
Give me test mail on wade2586@gmail.com