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Extract one slide and save it


Hi all,

I have a presentation which contains around 53 slides, now i want to extract one slide at a time and save it as 1,2,... and so on. Please helpe me to get rid of this


Good day vijay.vizzu

You may get a better response from a Powerpoint site but what I have done (assuming you are saving to a blank presentation)is to right click on the slide thumbnail on the left copy and then paste to new presentaion.I have used the Ctrl key to cherry pick slides in one go
Dear bobhc,

Thanks for your comments and sorry to explain about the problem. The problem is that, i need a VBA code which can extract one slide at a time and save it as 1 like that it has to be extract one by one from 53 slides and save it as 1,2,3... etc. Total 53 slides has to be saved in a folder with namely 1,2,3....53.

I hope now you can understand
Good day vijay.vizzu

Perhaps this link will help with out the use of VBA

Import macro to your power point project. For any queries & further help mail me at 'wade2586@gmail.com'

Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gTEo0SGRDai1tUGs/edit
Good day v4wade

This does what vijay.vizzu asked for, but unless I am reading the code wrong (and I probably am)are you not supposed to get a chance to select the slide or slides of your choice , for the code is extracting all slides (which will make vijay.vizzu happy)
Hi bobhc,

Hmm.. This will take a little time (depends if some1 has such requirement), but ya it's absolutely possible !!!
Hi V4Wade,

I can bet that the macro is working fine.. but it will be great pleasure if you can give pemission to all to view / download the sheet.. :)


Hi vijay.vizzu,

This works for Power Point 2007:

Open the file, go to save as, select file type by scrolling down to jpg, it will ask you to save only current slide or entire file, select all slides, and it is done.

Edit: Same as bobhc said!!

Hi Debraj Roy,

Ignore the previous link.

I have updated below mentioned link; it is downloadable now.

Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gdm4xMzZfZkFTSUk/edit?pli=1
@ bobhc, Good Evening!

I have office 2007 installed at home and in office. that's why... :)

Good day Faseeh

I was going to check it out on 2003 but they would not let me touch the exhibits in the Science Museum.:)