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Search results

  1. A

    formule search text

    Hi, In a column of powerpivot, I am trying to construct a formule to search part of text and give me a description. But the formule is giving me ERROR (column Tipo Projecto). =if(isnumber(search("unassigned time";CN42N[Denominação]));"07") Could you help me please? Thank you
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    Formule converts dots to commas

    Hi Luke, I will answer to your sugestions. Thank you. quote="Luke M, post: 141396, member: 662"]Hi annlee, W/o file, we can take a few guesses: Confirm that the formula is exactly as you wrote, specially looking at the quotation marks. Also, your formula has 4 arguments given for the SEARCH...
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    Formule converts dots to commas

    Thank you. Don't worry. I am grateful for any help that someone can give me.
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    Formule converts dots to commas

    Hi Khalid NGO, The formule is equal to this: LEFT([Client],IF (SEARCH(“.EE”,[Client],1,0) > 0, SEARCH(“.EE”,[Client],1,0), LEN([Client])) I don't have the file because I am trying to help a colleague. I don't know if it helps. The column client is formatted to text. Thank you.
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    Formule converts dots to commas

    Hi, I have a formule that pretends to remove the 3 last characters of other column, where it includes a dot (.) For example: ".EE" When it did "enter", where is (.) changed to a commas (,). How can we do to the formule not changed the (.) to (,). Thank you.
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    Conditional Formula

    Hi, I am working on a dashboard where I compared real with forecast values by month. I will analyse values from January to December 2013. I need to create a condition which allows to stand out each month. For example, if I pretend to analyse February (real and forecast values) I would like...
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    formula/pivot table

    thank you inbp, but my question is not about to change information in the pivot table. my problem is to link throught a formula the information of pivot table to the report located in another sheet. Regards
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    formula/pivot table

    I will try to explain better. I have an file xls where I put all information. I constructed a pivot table in this file and in another sheet I have constructed a simple layout to report to the managers only the relevant information. My problem is to link the pivot table to the layout that it...
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    formula/pivot table

    Hi, I have a pivot table with several lines (the pivot table has groups and inside of each group has several lines). From that pivot I have constructed a report with some information. My problem is with the formula to link the pivot table and the report. It is impossible to use sumif because...