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formula/pivot table


New Member

I have a pivot table with several lines (the pivot table has groups and inside of each group has several lines). From that pivot I have constructed a report with some information. My problem is with the formula to link the pivot table and the report.

It is impossible to use sumif because I have the detail of the lines (each line has a different description). I thought in getpivotable, but my question is "is it possible to use this formula all months because the pivot table changes every time?")

Could you help with my question?

Thank you!
Can you use a regular reference instead of GetPivotData? Or perhaps if you elaborated on the layout of the PT and what it contains? Currently, your problem description is rather vague.
I will try to explain better.

I have an file xls where I put all information. I constructed a pivot table in this file and in another sheet I have constructed a simple layout to report to the managers only the relevant information.

My problem is to link the pivot table to the layout that it is in a new sheet. The pivot table changes every month, so I would like to put a formula in the layout in order to read the information that I need in the pivot table.

If it is not very well explained tell me please.

Thank you

Please click on pivot table than on menu bar you will see a pivot table tools.

click on it than option than data change data source

pivot table tools > option > data > change data source

here you can change your data reference.


Muhammad Shakeel
thank you inbp, but my question is not about to change information in the pivot table.

my problem is to link throught a formula the information of pivot table to the report located in another sheet.

Hi ,

Are you thinking of the getpivotdata function ? Can you check out these links ?




Hi annlee,

I suggest you to try changing the data source to one formatted as table that will resolve the updating problem. Add new data and just refresh your pivot and it will be updated. secondly consider uploading a sample file!
