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Search results

  1. S

    Pivot Table Trouble

    Hi All, Hope everyone is doing well. Got another problem and I have exhausted all google searches. So calling upon excel gurus for help. I have a pivot table and I am trying to use the result in the pivot table to do calculations(calculations are not part of the pivot, just one input is...
  2. S

    Pivot Table Drop Data here Option

    Hi all, Maybe I have exhausted my quota for the week, but hoping I could squeeze in another questions. For excel 2003, is there a way for pivot tables to just list the data in the "drop data Items here" area, rather than getting a count or sum. Let me know if you need me to be more clear...
  3. S

    In cell pie charts

    Hi, has anyone used in cell pie charts. I downloaded the practice sheet and everything was great. I even used some to paste in power point. But when I checked today the pie charts looked all weird. Can someone please advise as to what I am doing wrong. Thanks
  4. S

    Automatic Format Axis

    I have to do multiple graphs based on similar data, but each time I need to format the axis as I change the data but the graph uses same cell reference. I have to do like 400 such graphs. So changes in data requires me to format the y axis each time as the y axis stays the same as the last...