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  1. B

    Cell Format

    thanks Hui.
  2. B

    Cell Format

    =LEFT($E$5,2) =MID(E5,4,2) =RIGHT(E5,2) I'm all set. I using above formulas.
  3. B

    Cell Format

    I don't think i explained my self well enough. Cell A1 contains 17/15/13 I'd like cell A2=17 A3=15 A4=13 thanks for any assistance
  4. B

    Cell Format

    Looking for a little help to change a cell that contains "17/15/13" . into individual cells that contain 17 15 13 respectively
  5. B


    =SUM(SUMIF('February 3, 2014'!$L$2:$L$58,D4,'February 3, 2014'!H2:H58)+(SUMIF('February 3, 2014'!$M$2:$M$58,D4,'February 3, 2014'!H2:H58)+(SUMIF('February 3, 2014'!$N$2:$N$58,D4,'February 3, 2014'!H2:H58)))) Is there an easier/neater formula than this?
  6. B

    What's the best way to insert large data into a table.

    What's the best way to insert large data into a table. When I insert more than a few item into a table, the file freezes/locks up. The table has 1500 rows with two col with formulae and one with some conditional formatting. To insert the new rows of data, I have to first convert the table to...
  7. B

    Excel file too big and became corrupted

    Thanks Hui, that works. Is there a "catch" to using .xlsb? Circular Referecne- I wanted to fill the blank cells w/a date in order to be able to sort by the date instead of text. Asa, in a previous post set me straight, just enter "0" and format cells as a date. That removed the cir. ref. in...
  8. B

    Excel file too big and became corrupted

    http://speedy.sh/gntvM/PM-Tracking-Log-Final.xlsm The link is to a back up copy of a workbook I use to track preventive maintenance. The original workbook became corrupted and would not function, i.e. the macro would not run. Some background: Hui helped me out quiet a bit with the macro, the...
  9. B

    sorting dates in pivot table

    http://www.speedyshare.com/files/30801061/PM_Tracking_Log_Final-copy.xlsm New link. My goal is to be able to sort col E & G by date. Blanks didnt allow that. Added circurlar ref to add dummy date 1/1/00 in Col E and 12/30/00 in Col G. I can sort col G by dates but Col E gives the "Date...
  10. B

    sorting dates in pivot table

    yes. whole col formatted as date
  11. B

    sorting dates in pivot table

    Little too busy lately, but I have to revisit this. http://www.speedyshare.com/files/30495932/New_Asset_List-test.xlsm The link is a new table that has dates and ,due to the newness of the table, blanks in Col E. Data is entered into Cols E,F and G by using the userform assigned to Rect. 2...
  12. B

    User form/vba assistance

    Thanks again.
  13. B

    User form/vba assistance

    I have a workbook (Hui wrote most of the code, thanks again) w/a userform that allows the user to enter an equipment name a date and a technicians name into a table. Getting a little comfortable w/the code so I made some changes to the ws, just deleted a few cols that I didn't need and added...
  14. B

    Birthday wish

    You could copy and paste a link to the dates into the salary and payslip workbook. Then use an if statement to show any birthday/anniversary message.
  15. B

    sorting dates in pivot table

    I have a table w/ a col that contains dates. I created a pivot table and try to sort by dates but I only get "Label Filters" and "Value Filters". Why don't I see the "Date Filetrs".
  16. B

    Macro for moving a chart

    Sheets("Comp %").ChartObjects("Chart 7").Activate ActiveChart.ChartArea.Copy Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Select Range("C7").Select Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Paste End Sub This works for copying and pasting "Chart 7" to ws "CONV SCHEDULE". Working on cut the pasted chart next.
  17. B

    Macro for moving a chart

    ub MoveChart14() ' ' MoveChart14 Macro ' ' Sheets("Comp %").Select ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 14").Activate ActiveChart.PlotArea.Select ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="CONV SCHEDULE" End Sub
  18. B

    Macro for moving a chart

    I want to add a cell w/shape and a macro assigned, that will move a chart from one ws to another. I tried recording the macro but that only works once then.... errors.
  19. B

    Print Area Macro

    I am using a number of cells to allow the user to set the Print Area based on the text in a cell. BR in the below recorded macro. The cells are in A1:G3. I used Dwg tools, made a box, 100% transparent and placed them over the cells. 1) Easier way than rec. individual macros and 2) How can I...
  20. B

    sum countifs and ranges

    Just a little humor. Acutally, I have all the date in one Table/Pivot Table, for my own use. I even, excuse me, Hui even wrote code for a my "chessy" userform that makes entering data oh so simple but my oh so incompetent office mates are letting it collect "dust" and refuse to use it. They...
  21. B

    sum countifs and ranges

    Nothing worse than getting slammed by Hui!!! I'll shake it off, go home, put my kids on the bus and step in front of it.
  22. B

    sum countifs and ranges

    I have a workbook w/15 worksheets. Each ws has 1 or 2 named ranges for date col and name col. Using this formula to sum two criteria- persons name and a date(...today -365)...
  23. B

    named ranges

    awesome. thanks a bunch
  24. B

    named ranges

    Name- brdate, refers to 'BR 8-14'!$D$3:$D$35, used in formula =COUNTIF(brdate,">="&$K$15). How do I make range dynamic so if I add a row at the bottom of the range the range will change.
  25. B

    Countifs and formulas

    Sorry. Referenced the wrong sheet. 1:30 am gotta get a coffee