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Search results

  1. K

    Apply PROPER Function to entire Worksheet?

    Is there a way to apply the PROPER Function (or any other Function) to the entire worksheet without having to copy and paste? Thanks, Katarina
  2. K

    Excel Filter is super slow

    I have a large spreadsheet: 30,000KB, but until recently, it was functioning well. Now, when I turn on the filter and try to change data by copying and pasting across the selection, it takes forever (30 minutes to change one cell across 1000 rows) I tried removing the pivot table, removing...
  3. K

    Linking Scroll bars to make a calculator like the Mortgage Calculator

    I just followed the steps to create a mortgage calculator - Awesome, thank you so much! Now, I would like to create similar calculators with other functions, for example, 60/12=5 or 1000*80%*50%*(600/300)=800 How do I set up the formula, or where do I find help learning about how to do...