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Linking Scroll bars to make a calculator like the Mortgage Calculator


New Member
I just followed the steps to create a mortgage calculator - Awesome, thank you so much!

Now, I would like to create similar calculators with other functions, for example,




How do I set up the formula, or where do I find help learning about how to do this?

Thank you,


You will need a number of scroll bars for each of your parameters

in your examples 2 and 5 respectively

Each Scroll bar needs to have a Minimum, Maximum and a cell link set

Lets assume you link them to N1 & N2 and N1, N2, N3, N4 & N5 respectively

then your 2 formulas will be


=N1*N2*N3*(N4/N5) make sure N2&N3 are formatted as %
Thank you Hui,

I have all the scroll bars and cell links set up, but how do I make it interactive so that I can toggle and it will update the other scroll bars? Don't I need a function like the =PMT((xxxxxxx))???

Not quite sure what you mean, but you can override manually any of the cell link values and it will update the slider.

If you are searching for a slider to control the answer and work backwards, that can be done, but you need to redfine the problem and then which variable would you want to vary.

Or you can apply Goal Seek to your model (Date, What If Analysis, Goal Seek)
Hi Katarina,

Each scroll bar represents a variable in a formula, so whatever formula you use, you can use the scroll bar to change a single variable in the formula.

Thank you Kanti and Hui,

I made my calculator completely interactive by adding a scroll bar to the result, but then linking that cell back to one of the variable scroll bars.

It is super cool!
