Dear VBA Developer,
The attached Excel file contains two sheets: Master Data and RM Purchase.
In the Master Data sheet, Column B lists the Project Locations, with consumption data spanning from columns 3 to 23.
In the RM Purchase sheet, Column 3 also features Project Locations, with price...
Dear VBA Code Experts,
I need a VBA code to dynamically calculate the consumption cost for multiple companies based on matching company names, prices, and purchase quantities. The input data includes company names (B4) with their respective consumption quantities (C4) and company names (E4)...
Dear Excel Genius,
As per the below snapshot the formula is working and I calculated the cost of RM1 by using the formula
Dear Excel Genius
I have RM01 to RM100 cost in RM Purchase sheet like the below image. Target cells are C8:CX13
When I select any of one cell in the target range it has to show the msgbox from the sheet RM Cost from column A to lastcol
For example, If I select the sheet RM Purchase cell...
Dear Excel Genius,
I have an excel workbook having the sheets "Production", "Sales", and "Free Sample". Production Sheet J6 to LastRow have a data validation list (Sales, FreeSample, Modified, Rejected, Storage)
I need a VBA Code to move data whenever I run the code to the respective sheets...
Dear Excel Genius
The below code is exported as a pdf to the mentioned path with the specified range("B3:L37") and the name Q7.value as MMM-YYYY and O11.Value.pdf"
here the challenge is O11 cell has the dropdown validation list. Example values are "AAAA BBBBBB","CCCCC DDDDD EEEEEE","FFFFF...
Dear Excel Genius
In the attached excel sheet A1 to A26 OUT KG, B1 to B26 IN KG, C1 to C26 Price$. I need OUT KG Price in Column D. Manually I calculated 4 cell values. Also, F Column I mentioned those 4 rows OUT KG on where to occur an IN KG. After finding the IN KG cells, multiply them with...
Dear Excel Genius
The below formula in the excel table, drag across right is not updating correctly.
=LET(q,Consumption[Consumption RM01],p,Purchase[Price RM01],s,Purchase[Qty RM01],sa,SCAN(0,s,LAMBDA(a,v,SUM(a,v)))-s,qa,SUM(q)-sa...
Dear Excel Genius
In the attached excel file Production sheet I am using the below formula (DU:FR) to get the Raw Materials cost per kg by FIFO Method. Due to more rows and columns of data the excel sheet is getting slower in the process for each entry.
For example, I added 150 recent rows...
Dear Excel Genius
In the attached excel worksheet, I have PO ENTRY and SALES ENTRY Worksheets.
PO Entry sheet has PO Number and it is quantity. The sales Entry sheet has the PO number and the sales quantity.
I need a pop-up error alert when the sales entry quantity exceeds the PO quantity...
Dear Excel Genius
I have two formulas in cells C3 and D3 and I want to drag the formulas across right up to cell CX.
C3 Formula =C5-SUM(Cost_Calcu[[#All],[Cost of RM01]])
D3 Formula =D5-SUM(Consumption[[#All],[Consumption RM01]])
C3 formula needs to drag alternate cells of E3, G3...
Dear Excel Genius,
I have exported massive data from a table of MySql .MDF to Excel. After opening excel sheet the date format is not getting the same in all the rows. I have more than 25000 rows of data. I need to convert all 3 columns' format as "DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS"
See below the snapshot...
Dear Excel Genius
As per the below snapshot, if row 15 gets negative values when I change the values in rows 16 and 17, then I get the pop-up message.
If I press OK then it has to do ".Undo" to get back the previous positive values in row 15.
I used the below code for the pop-up message...
Dear Excel Genius,
I use the Sumproduct function in the alternate cells to calculate the RM Purchase cost. 3 sample formulas and their snapshot are below.
=SUMPRODUCT(Purchase[Price RM1],Purchase[Qty RM1])
=SUMPRODUCT(Purchase[Price RM2],Purchase[Qty RM2])
Dear Excel Genius
I want to pop up a message when the cells have negative values. To achieve that I used Data Validation > Decimal > Between > Error Message like below snapshot.
After applying the data validation, I got pop up when I entered the negative values manually like below snapshot...
Dear Excel Genius
In the below values, Many Names and F1 to F6 are repeated and duplicates exist. But I want to highlight the duplicates with both the columns, not just in one.
For Example, Anbu F1 is the real duplicates, but if I apply Conditional Formates to find the duplicates, it...
Dear Excel Genius
I have a excel workbook having 3 tables in one sheet name called "Production"
Table 1, Product_Formulation
Table 2 Consumption
Table 3 Cost_Calcu
Table 2 and Table 3 data updated from table1 with formulas. But I don't know how to activate them.
For example, As per below...
Dear Excel Genius
I have produced some products in my company which is having or used different raw materials purchased with different prices. I want to calculate the products price per kg by using (Raw Materials) FIFO Method.
Below is the example data I have calculated Products 1 to 5's RM 1...
As per the below GIF I am calculating RM Cost per kg in the column of BA and BB.
I would like to modify the code for the below changes.
1) RM Price and purchase qty should be in the new worksheet. not in the same sheet as of now.
2) Results of RM1 to RM10 Calculated and printed in...
Dear Excel Guru,
I need a VBA code to add a new worksheet with respect to the selected columns filtered list. The attached file has some data of rows with a data filter.
If I select any of the filters and run the code, then it should add the list of the new sheets with it is selected list...
I need formulas to check the bed-space available and allot to the new workers in Excel.
Attached excel sheet has
A1 to A7, B1 to B7.... F1 to F7 are Rooms for Workers (Each Room has only 4 Bed-Space Available)
C1-1 to C1-23 are Contractor1 has workers 23 Numbers
C2-1 to C2-10 are...
The below snapshot Column A to L is the base data. The right side P column is the Input and the Q column values are the expected results.
Column C RM1 used in rows 8, 11, and 15 the product is 3, 6 10
Column J RM8 used in row 11 and 15 the product is 6 and 10
Likewise, I have...
Dear Excel Genius
I need the Worksheet_Change procedure to generate the production Batch Card from different products formulations.
The below-linked thread was created and I got the procedure. But now I have some modifications in the source data as well as output structure too...
As per the below image, I have used the SUMPRODUCT formula in the cells L3 to L13.
In the Second row some of the RM not having the prices in the first row (D, E, I, and J)
But, The formula sumproduct has given the results as usual.
I need to get the indications if the Products having...
I have created one batch card sheet for my regular productions as per the attached sheet Batch card old.
it is working well until the products have only one part as a below-left screenshot.
Now I have a product which is having 2, 3 and 4 parts of components in it.
So I want to change the...