What i suggest!
Copy-paste or import data in excel & then use formula in layout to grab the values!!
Check it.
Sub Json_Data()
Dim http As New XMLHTTP60, html As New HTMLDocument
Dim Argstring As String, str As Variant
Dim N As Long, P As Long, vault As Variant, converted As String
Dim p_val As Object, post As Object, posts As Object, elem As Object
Dim source As Object...
A 2 Z Guide for date & time.
Download files!!
Do you want to import all the rows to xl as same is not designed to store such large database.
My recommendations-
Either use Access or other software to filter the data in small parts.
Sometimes collection objects are known by a extras 's' depending how same is written in coding language.
Worksheet for a single sheet but worksheets for collection/array of sheets.
Workbook for a single xl but workbooks for collection/array of xls.
But range is not to be written as ranges...
Pls don't Duplicate the query but you can share the link.
Sorry! There was typo error!
Change it.
For Each rng In Sheets(userDB).Range(SheetRange).Resize(1).Offset(myFind.Row - 2)
If rng.Value <> "" Then
If Evaluate("ISREF('" & rng.Value & "'!A1)") Then
If Sheets(rng.Value).Visible <> -1 Then Sheets(rng.Value).Visible = -1...