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Add Pass/Fail values from summary data to table

I have manually gathered data. I am looking for vba which will look row and column and filll the cell with "Fail" word. When this will be accomplished, I can fill blank cells with "Pass" value easily. But want to add "Fail" first in table.
Any help will be appreciated.


  • Fill_Table_From_Summary.xlsm
    30.8 KB · Views: 4
If your "Failing Values" will be like as below then it will ease else seems :p

Failing Values
-20, -21, -22, -23, 20
  -22, -23, 22
-22, -23, 22, 23
-20, -22, 20, 22
-22, -23, -24
-20, -22, 20, 22
-21, -24, 21, 24
-22, 22
-22, -23, 22, 23
-23, 23