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Use of /s while coding



i am adding shape thru my coding below is sample, but while declaring object use of "S" thing confuses me always.
i.e. whether to use shape/shapes how could i identify this.
Sub test()
Dim sh As Shape
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapePentagon, 5, 5, 5, 5)
End Sub

Sub test2()
Dim shp As Shape, shps As Shapes
Set shp = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.shps.AddShape(msoShapePentagon, 5, 5, 5, 5)
End Sub

Sometimes collection objects are known by a extras 's' depending how same is written in coding language.

Worksheet for a single sheet but worksheets for collection/array of sheets.
Workbook for a single xl but workbooks for collection/array of xls.
But range is not to be written as ranges anyhow as we declare/use how objects exists in coding language(here VBA)
