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Search results

  1. L

    How to get macro to select sheet ("INCOMEXPENSESa") before running

    Thank you Rudra, Ill check that out. :) Much appreciated.
  2. L

    Copy hours from a timesheet and paste them to a second sheet.

    Hi GN0001, The tip above is for when you want to post a bit of code or macro. You put your code between the the code tags and it will come out formatted as code. You will not see [ ] The code here is posted between them. Hope that helps. ps the code is just an example and nothing to do with your...
  3. L

    How to get macro to select sheet ("INCOMEXPENSESa") before running

    Thank you Hui,:awesome:, I must have tried every thing except that. I think I was trying to activate it instead of select. I knew it would be simple but if you dont get it quite right it dont work :oops:
  4. L

    How to get macro to select sheet ("INCOMEXPENSESa") before running

    Hi i have some code which extracts the expenses from a list of combined income and expenses. It runs great if I manually select the correct sheet ("INCOMEXPENSESa") first. If I dont select the right sheet it creats havoc on the active sheet :) Im sure this should be simple but I cant seem to get...
  5. L

    Can I send a tweet from excel?

    I was going to tweet my weather data which I keep in excel, is that so bad? :oops:
  6. L

    Can I send a tweet from excel?

    Exel Zoom has a twitter cropping sheet that also opens up twitter for you.
  7. L

    Macro to compare value against a range & return result

    Hi New VBA user, If you upload a sample sheet, it will be easier for folks to help you. :)
  8. L

    Create table for seperate worksheet data

    Hi Rob , If you provide sample worksheets of the data before and after Im sure one of the Ninjas will be able to suggest a method to help you do this. They need to know how your data is laid out and what you want in the consolidated sheet. :DD
  9. L

    VLOOKUP Question

    I am sorry you are going elsewhere. There are many brilliant excel helpers on this forum. A sample file with the layout you required would have made it so much easier for one of them to help you and those of us that are still learning and lurking may have learnt something too. :confused:
  10. L

    Congratulation NarayanK991 Sir...... 7000 posts.

    :awesome:!, :awesome:!, :awesome:!
  11. L

    Congratulations Hui... on your 6,000th post

    :awesome: , Hui
  12. L

    Congratulations Somendra Misra...1000 posts

    Congatulations Somendra Misra, :awesome: Work, Ive read a lot of your posts .
  13. L

    popup alert from excel sheet

    I think he means the one you are about to post :) so he has something to work with.
  14. L

    Removing all charcters from cell but numbers

    Venkata, thank you for that code, just did a great job for me, removing unwanted text.
  15. L

    Code works perfect with the F5 but gives error when pasting behind a button

    monalisa or mdtje, I think the OP has yet to come back, bit of confusion here I think :confused:
  16. L

    Rounding up date difference in days to the next year and prefixing with R

    Hi, after multiple tries I finally got the toolpack loaded and now the formula works. Thank you so much for your help, have a nice day.
  17. L

    Rounding up date difference in days to the next year and prefixing with R

    HI, Sir JB, Many thanks for the formula, but I am having trouble enabling the Analysis toolpack. I have the excel cds but keep getting errors. IM sure I had them on my previous computer and they worked ok but I may need to uninstall and reinstall Office 2003 on this Win 7 puter :(
  18. L

    Rounding up date difference in days to the next year and prefixing with R

    Hi I an subtracting 15/9/2011 from 15/2/2014 to get number of days old. I then divide by 365 to get years and get 2.42 yrs which I then use "round up" to get 3. I then put an R in front to get R3, (=R&" "&G3 etc) ie rising 3yrs. I have done this in three steps using helper columns. Is there a...
  19. L

    how to create a command button that copy and create a notepad file

    Hi, How do you want this information presented in word? You may needto supply a word doc so we know what to do with your data.
  20. L

    From one folder All Excel files Data copy paste

    Abhijeet, I think maybe you need to supply some sample files and and specific questions about any problems you are having trying to do this. Your post above does not explain what problems you are having.
  21. L

    New smilie added :awesome:

  22. L

    VBA Tutorial - 3 parts PDF

    Thank you for sharing. :)
  23. L

    Chronicle of a death foretold: VBA living in borrowed time, by 2013 version

    And I am even more of a Dinosaur, Im still on 2003, but was thinking of upgrading to 2013, maybe I wont bother.
  24. L

    Hi from Venkatesh

    Hi, this thread may help. http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/filling-in-random-blank-cells.13321/#post-78406