Just an idea, i have found in the past for excel 2003 You may have to put your own button on the sheet and then asign the code to it as cmd buttons from later versions dont seem to work with 2003. Hope that works for you.
Prinz, would a user form be of any use or am I barking up the wrong tree? You could then send the answer to anywhere you choose and keep your answers in lists.
Karthik there s a lot of useful information about Userforms on Debra's Site
Sorry i run excel 2003 so your procedure may be different. But alt F8 or Tools,macros or something similar will bring up a list of macros. Choose the one in "This workbook" then options, then a window opens with the option of asigning a shortcut key to the macro. Hope that helps a bit.
I dont know if this is relevant or not but I changed the PDF_DIR to PDFDIR in the following line to get it to work for me. Ialso had to add .pdf to the file name or it couldnt find it.
PDF_Dir = "C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\package calculation\" 'Change to suit
To have a userform auto open you can use something like this code. I think there are other ways of doing it also.
Option Explicit
UserForm1.Show (vbModeless) 'optional or modal
End Sub
Sub auto_open()
End Sub