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Do you know of a "all-in-one personal everyday-life excel template"?


Hi all!

As I become more and more familiar with Excel, I like it more and more and wish to use it in an increasing number of fields (i.e my everyday life).

There are a lot of templates out there (and especially in here) that help with personal budget, (personal) project management, to-do lists, calendars, ...

However what I haven't been able to find is a mix of all those tools.

Does any of you have that kind of gem in their magical hat? I know I could do it myself but I'd rather have a premade basis that I can modify and optimize for my personal needs.

Thanks! Have a great day
I'm not sure there is one, or if there was, that it would be useful. The nice thing about the different templates is being able to see all the different styles and finding the one that suits you best. The more parts that you put into an "ideal workbook" the more chances are that someone won't like a certain part of it.
User forms are great for entering data in one place and then sending it off to relevant sheets. :)
Hi dourpil,
What I meant was, rather than trying to find a single file with all the parts you want, search for the parts you want and put them into one. You'll have much more luck searching that way.