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Frank M

New Member
I'm fairly new to EXCEL.

I have 2 worksheets in 2 different workbooks.

The first is the INVENTORY worksheet in workbook #1 (cell A: item #, cell B: item name,
cell C: unit price, ...). There is 1 row per item.

The second is the COST worksheet in workbook #2 (cell A: recipe name, cell B: item #,
cell C: item name, cell D: unit price, ...). There are multiple rows dependent on the

If I change the unit price in the INVENTORY workbook, could EXCEL automatically
change associated unit prices in the COST workbook?

Looking for an automated solution.

In a straight approach there is no control on closed workbook but same can be done with VBA/addin.
But there may some issue while using the same on closed workbook.
To better understand the same,pls share the sample of the both workbooks

In a straight approach there is no control on closed workbook but same can be done with VBA/addin.
But there may some issue while using the same on closed workbook.
To better understand the same,pls share the sample of the both workbooks

* * *

Thanks for your interest.

I have attached 2 Excel Workbooks that hopefully will explain what I am trying to accomplish.
See uploaded files.


  • Book1.xls
    24 KB · Views: 7
  • Book2.xls
    29 KB · Views: 5
Is there any reason why the sheets have to be in separate workbooks. It may be easier to handle if they were in the same workbook.
Is there any reason why the sheets have to be in separate workbooks. It may be easier to handle if they were in the same workbook.

It might be easier, but I came up with a solution with the 2 workbooks.

I used the VLOOKUP function between the workbooks and it appears to work. The only minor issue is that both
workbooks must be open at the same time.