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  1. W

    Data Input macro Reqd

    Any one help on this above post.
  2. W

    Data Input macro Reqd

    Any one help on this above post.
  3. W

    Data Input macro Reqd

    Dear Team, I having the weekly analysis report. which contains two sheet one is dashboard and another is Data sheet Weekly i update the data so that the dashboard get changed. I am attaching the sample data sheet. Also i provide the formula conditions and input data conditions. I have give...
  4. W

    Numbers to merge with separated comma

    Thanks for the vba shared:) Can i have the vba for reverse if the number merge in single cell and need to show the in rows each no wise.
  5. W

    Numbers to merge with separated comma

    Hi I am attaching the numbers in the excel sheet with each row. Based on the worksheet I want the output to come as the number to be separated with comma in one line. Sample out put is mentioned below. 7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15 Regards Shahul
  6. W

    bold letter to come in formula

    can u do and show me in the excel sheet
  7. W

    bold letter to come in formula

    Hi I have two cells with name john smith in that the word john in one cell with bold and smith in another cell without bold letter. If i concatenate both the cells through formula the bold letter is not coming. can you guide me how to appear bold letter need to come in formula. Attaching the...
  8. W

    To view the Task by Date

    Hi the macro is not working i click the date or mouse cursor in the date the task to be displayed
  9. W

    To view the Task by Date

    Hi Please find the attached Monthly task report . If i click the date then only the date task should be view. Regards Shahul
  10. W

    Color to display based on the next cel

    Hi i want the colour to be displayed if the region if it is equal to North. Attaching the example for your reference. Can u guide how to do that.
  11. W

    Nested if formula

    Hi Kindly find the attached and help in solving the formula regards sham
  12. W

    Not able to put Vlookup function

    Hi I have a attached data in which i not able to put the vlookup function because my base data (Lookup Value )is after the output field which i required. Kindly go through the attached file and guide me the formula
  13. W

    Transpose the Data and copy

    Hi Kindly find the attached file which contains an input and output I need the macro that the data of the above to copy in the Transpose format and fill the heading which was shown in example in output file. Regards Shahul
  14. W

    Total number of Report in a month to display

    Hi While try to run the macro i am getting the below run time errror 1004 Method Range of Object _Global Failed. Kindly guide how to do further.
  15. W

    Total number of Report in a month to display

    Hi the Maximum Report will be 25 per month. I want the macro for that.
  16. W

    Total number of Report in a month to display

    Hi Kindly find the attached file and i need the report to display with count . I am attaching the conditions and sample sheet regards Sham
  17. W

    How to find attendance data for particular date

    Hi kindly find the attached find and help the formula how to find the data from the above table for the particulars emp code with Date Regards Shahul
  18. W

    Automatically block Calender in outlook

    In Outlook We put there was option called meeting request that is calender blocking
  19. W

    Automatically block Calender in outlook

    Hi Kindly find the attached File and i need a macro to block the calender in outlook based on the excel file Email ID, Date , Time, Subject and Body of the message Based on the above data the calender should be blocked automatically when i run the macro. Regards Shahul
  20. W

    Consolidating excel files

    I need to move the folders and subfolders .xls and .xlsx files and copy and paste in the single folder.
  21. W

    Consolidating excel files

    Hi I want a macro which consolidate the .xls and .xlsx files from the different folders to the single folder. For example I have a folder name 2015 inside the folder I have folder name Jan 2015. Inside the folder I have -Daywise in that the excel files available. I want to pick these excel...
  22. W

    Automatically Sending Email

    Thanks for the coding. I need additionally to find how many mails sent. For example if i open the excel file. It automatically send two mails. In the Message should come as 2 Mails Sent successfully. I need the code for this.
  23. W

    Automatically Sending Email

    Hi I have a attached email macro to send email through outlook. In Addition to this if i sent the mail it should reflect the date in the H Coloum. For example if i send email today it should reflect as 09th Dec 2015 in the H Coloumn. And if the H Coloumn is filled or email already sent. The...
  24. W

    Automatically send mail in outlook on specific date

    Hi I tried the above code but if i enter the future Date the email is going. I need the email should go only if the date is current date. I am attaching the excel for your reference. Regards Shahul
  25. W

    Automatically send mail in outlook on specific date

    Hi I have create a macro for sending email but i need the macro code to send the mail in a specifi date which i mentioned in column 6. Below the macro code i have already have i need to add this logic as specific date. .To = Sheet1.Cells(x + 2, 1).Value .CC = Sheet1.Cells(x + 2, 2).Value...