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bold letter to come in formula



I have two cells with name john smith in that the word john in one cell with bold and smith in another cell without bold letter. If i concatenate both the cells through formula the bold letter is not coming. can you guide me how to appear bold letter need to come in formula.

Attaching the sheet for the reference



  • example.xlsx
    8.5 KB · Views: 7
Something like this for an example. Using your sample sheet.

Sub richTextConcat()
Dim fName As String, lName As String, cName As String
fName = Range("I7").Value
lName = Range("J7").Value
cName = fName & " " & lName
Range("I10").Value = cName

With Range("I10")
For i = Len(fName) + 1 To Len(cName)
    .Characters(i, 1).Font.Bold = True
End With
End Sub
Sorry with formula bold not possible. Through VBA is possible (as per "Chihiro" post).
Just curious, for what purpose you want this.
If just for looking, one way to do.
From Insert Tab > Insert a textbox > In textbox enter name & bold letters as per your requirement.
Just carry out your concat and highlight the column with the finished data and then click "Bold" in the font section of the ribbon.

It is best if you select a portion of the column you apply bold to rather than the whole column as excel will reserve memory for ALL the cells selected.



  • BOLD.xlsx
    16.6 KB · Views: 8