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Total number of Report in a month to display



Kindly find the attached file and i need the report to display with count .

I am attaching the conditions and sample sheet



  • report data to display.xlsx
    11.9 KB · Views: 12
Hi Sham,

The first part of getting the totals is pretty easy. Put this formula in B14, copy down and across.

Your request to get the Report names in yellow cells is much more complicated. To change what cells say based on selected cell will require VB. Macro would need to loop over all the data cells, build matrix of months/report names, and then output to yellow cells. To be helpful, will need to have this run fairly quickly. Do you still want to pursue this route? Also, how big will the input data potentially be? Is example sheet a good representation, or is actual data much larger?
Macros written in the sheet module to trigger a selection event. Main macro is stored in Module1. Please read through the code and comments to see how to change if your actual data is different size/location.
Macro currently set to run when you select a cell in range B14:M16


  • report data to display LM.xlsm
    22.8 KB · Views: 7
Last edited:
While try to run the macro i am getting the below run time errror 1004
Method Range of Object _Global Failed.

Kindly guide how to do further.
When you reference Range like this:
'Where is source data?
Set rngData = Range("A3:C7")
'Where is start of yellow cells?
Set rngStart =Range("B18")
it's called an unqualified reference because you don't specifically say which sheet the range is on

Try changing your code to

'Where is source data?
Set rngData = Sheet1.Range("A3:C7")
'Where is start of yellow cells?
Set rngStart = Sheet1.Range("B18")

The code will work fine.
