XL only supports 15 digits of significance. As such, I don't think there's a way to 1)input the numbers you're wanting and 2) have it calculate the result. You're also going to struggle with accuracy, since XL (and most computers) have to store the numbers in binary...
Change this line:
Set fCell = .Find(c.Value)
to this
Set fCell = .Find(what:=c.Value, lookat:=xlWhole)
and that will make sure it only does a complete match.
I'm afraid this isn't a VB type problem, but rather a licensing issue. Verify that you have the correct license purchased and then try to reactivate your product from the File menu.
Your code is very hard to read due to similar variable names, the use of upper and lower case "w" right next to each other. Also, using a variable called "WKBactive" is not really helpful, as it's defined as an object that was active at time of execution, not the one that's always active.
Hi Adam,
I've removed some of your personal info, simply for your own protection as this is a public forum and we have thousands of bots that crawl through and could harvest that info. Instead, if you can't simplify to a basic sample sheet, you could instead describe your problem and ask for a...
This is one of those rare cases where I'd suggest using a radar chart. You could have each spoke represent a blade, and the circular arrangement would correspond to blade layout.
You posted this same question here: https://www.msofficeforums.com/excel/43076-pulling-data.html
This is called cross-posting, which while allowed, requires that you post links to your other questions so that answering members of the various communities can be aware of when an issue...
Sure. Doing anything else would fulfill the requirement of not being a Gantt chart. You can also make the resolution on your chart however fine (seconds, milliseconds, etc.) that you want.
When you figure out what you'd like to display other than a Gantt chart, let us know, and we can try to help.
Chandoo has several free tutorials and examples on creating Gantt charts, just takes a little bit of charting magic.
Hmm. You can also try manually adding the tags. Regular code is square brackets around the word {CODE}your code here{/CODE}.
Inline code uses {ICODE} something here {/ICODE}
Remember, you would use square brackets, not the curly brackets I used above.
Where it gets placed.
Here is inline code
Here is regular code
So, might use inline when you want to just paste a single line of command, like to say:
Change line 5 to be Application.ScreenUpdating = False and you should be good.
Working with what we have, you could solve Q1 a little easier then by using some OR/AND functions. That'll help you get around any nested function limits.
In Office 2003 or earlier, it 7. Newer versions can go up to 64 functions deep.
However, in your case, it looks like you're just wanting to build a dependent validation list.
This seems like a poorly built table. For instance, what if someone is Full Time, with high salary, but scored a 5? For that matter, there appears to be no way for a Full Time person to get anything besides "Average" or "Poor".
Q2 is much easier, where when given number 1-12, to get the month...
For the basic MsgBox, you can't change the color. If you want to build your own UserForm, then you would be able to customize the color. In your case, it wouldn't be too bad since we're just displaying info. Could be a form with caption and button. You'd need to Load the user form, set value of...
Here's your code.
Sub FindAndColor()
Dim fCell As Range
Dim firstAdd As String
Dim myCount As Long
'Where are we searching
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D:D")
'What are we looking for?
Set fCell = .Find(what:="T3RRF2", LookIn:=xlValues...
Here's a function you could use.
Function LineSplit(strStart As String, lngLength As Long)
Dim i As Long
'Remove any existing line breaks
strStart = Replace(strStart, Chr(10), "")
For i = lngLength To Len(strStart) Step lngLength + 1
strStart = Left(strStart...