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Creating a turbine wheel simulation to illustrate the number of defects or stress concentrations on each blade.


New Member

I want to create a visual simulation of a turbine wheel showing the number of defects in each blade or the same for stress concentrations from a top down view of the wheel.

How would I go about completing this in excel? Is there information on this topic somewhere, as I am not a hugely experienced Excel user?

Thank you in advance.
showing the number of defects in each blade

This is one of those rare cases where I'd suggest using a radar chart. You could have each spoke represent a blade, and the circular arrangement would correspond to blade layout.
As I wrote in Your previous same thread ...
How would You do it with pencil and paper?
You should move those ideas to Excel-sheet and upload it here.
That's brilliant, thank you very much for your help. That is a great representation of what I want to do and show.

I will make a few edits but that is basically there.

Thanks again.
I will make a few edits but that is basically there.
If something else than those KEYs, there could be some challenges.