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Search results

  1. Belleke

    how to change formula

    =IF(E1="C purchased" to =IF(E11Like"C purchased" How to change?
  2. Belleke

    Embedding the Hyperlink( ) within a string of text

    I don't understand the question anymore that's what happens when you click in the cell. Why, you can't have 2 ore more hypelinks in one cell. What do you want to accomplish
  3. Belleke

    Embedding the Hyperlink( ) within a string of text

    Something like this? Hyperlink in C10
  4. Belleke

    WORD doc Formula for Drop Down list without adding item one by one

    does this help? https://www.exceldemy.com/drop-down-list-in-word-from-excel/
  5. Belleke

    Need Help summarising excel data

    Glad to help. :)
  6. Belleke

    Need Help summarising excel data

    What about this?
  7. Belleke

    Combine this formula so that I get only result when cell is not Blank.

    Thanks p45cal, works perfect. @ vletm, sorry for the mistake, my bad.
  8. Belleke

    Combine this formula so that I get only result when cell is not Blank.

    =IF(EXACT(A2,UPPER(A2)),"Upper Case",IF(EXACT(A2,LOWER(A2)),"Lower Case","Upper and Lower Case")) Now I get Upper Case when cell is empty.
  9. Belleke

    Week-Off Days name

    Good luck with this set up. Suc6
  10. Belleke

    Week-Off Days name

    Something like this?
  11. Belleke

    How do I get rid of all TextBoxes in Excel via VBA (empty)

    Try Sub belle() Dim oTextBox As TextBox For Each oTextBox In ActiveSheet.TextBoxes If oTextBox.Characters.Count = 0 Then oTextBox.Delete Next oTextBox End Sub
  12. Belleke

    vba Code for Make a yellow background, and the writing font should be Bold red for all new, unread emails

    I don't get it. At the top of the message list, above the column headings, are two preset filtering options—All and Unread. When All is selected, every message in the current folder is shown in the message list. When Unread is selected, only the unread...
  13. Belleke

    Generating two values from a mean

    Does this help? Orange fields are formulas.
  14. Belleke

    diference in transportcost

    This one workks =IF(C2<=15000;C2*VLOOKUP(B2;A10:D12;3;0);(C2-15000)*VLOOKUP(B2;A10:D12;4;0)+15000*VLOOKUP(B2;A10:D12;3;0)) I want this something like this =((B10-15000)*D10)+(15000*C10)
  15. Belleke

    diference in transportcost

    Thanks for your response. I will check the original file
  16. Belleke

    diference in transportcost

    See example I am looking for a formula that calculates the cost under 15.000 km at 0.018 and the difference above the 15.000 at 0.022 and make a total
  17. Belleke

    Formula will not auto update when sheet is protected

    Where is your example???????????????,
  18. Belleke

    Copy cell to column of another sheet

    Glad to help an thanks for the feedback :)
  19. Belleke

    Copy cell to column of another sheet

    Like this?
  20. Belleke

    Need to Split Days, Month & Year from Date

    =DAY(A2) =MONTH(A2) =YEAR(A2)
  21. Belleke

    Drop Down List items to make different things happen

    This is not a photoshop forum, so please post an excel example not some pictures.
  22. Belleke

    Error in my code

    Thanks for the feedback. :) If you have questions or extra info just shoot.