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Search results

  1. jb

    How to create auto updated sorted list?

    An excel sheet contains data of few employees. Column A contains employee number, column b contains name of employee. Column C contains present days of employees. Column D presents attendance percentage. Column C is updated at end of every month. Now a list is required to be prepared which will...
  2. jb

    Extracting data based on criteria

    Hi all experts, I have a data file with 1140 rows and 5 columns namely sr. no, T (means type), S (means gender), A (means area) and score. T column has only 2 possible values - G or P S column has only 2 possible values - M or F A column has only 2 possible values - U or R Now, I want to...
  3. jb

    Extract data based on criteria and display on separate worksheet

    Yes sir. This is actually I want. Thanks a lot sir.
  4. jb

    Extract data based on criteria and display on separate worksheet

    Hi all experts, I have an excel sheet with 5 columns with title - serial number, T (means type having only 2 possible values: G and P), S (means gender having only 2 possible values: M and F), A ((means area having only 2 possible values: R and U) and Score. Now, I want to extract rows based on...
  5. jb

    calculate t value and standard error for 2 sample in excel

    Hi all experts, I need to calculate t value and standard error of mean for 2-sample in excel. Unfortunately I do not have original data. But I do have sample size, mean and standard deviation for both the sample. Sample file attached.
  6. jb

    Always eager to learn

    Always eager to learn
  7. jb

    Different colors in bars of histogram with normal distribution curve

    Is it possible to have different colors in my bar chart with normal distribution curve? I tried but "vary colors by point" option is not shown in fill option of format data series option of graph in excel 2007. I do not want to paint manually by selecting each bar. This option is available if...
  8. jb

    Draw bar chart with normal probability curve

    Is it possible to have different colors in my bar chart with normal distribution curve? I tried but "vary colors by point" option is not shown in fill option of format data series option of graph in excel 2007. This option is available in normal bar chart to have different colors for different...
  9. jb

    Vary color by point option not available in excel 2010

    hi all experts, I have drawn a bar char with single series. But the look of the chart is very boring. all bars are in blue colors. I found from net that there is an option called "vary color by point" in format data series - fill option. But in excel 2010, this option is missing. How to...
  10. jb

    Same cell formatting gives different data presentation?

    Hi all experts, I have applied normdist function of excel in my workbook. Calculation formula is same for some number of rows. But the first row shows value in E format while others show decimal values. I applied format painter also. But it is not working. Help me to get all values in decimal...
  11. jb

    Draw bar chart with normal probability curve

    Thanks a lot sir. You helped me a lot. Thanks once again.
  12. jb

    Draw bar chart with normal probability curve

    Thanks sir. Now I created copy of test.xls as test2.xls. And I pasteed another data set of 1140 rows in column B. Because I want to generate another such normal distribution curve for another set of data. But it gives #NAME? error in Normal distribution calculation column. Please help. I am...
  13. jb

    Draw bar chart with normal probability curve

    Thanks Hui sir. But how to interpret this chart? Whether data is normally distributed in this chart?
  14. jb

    Draw bar chart with normal probability curve

    Hi all experts, I have an excel sheet which contains two columns: serial number and score. there are total 1140 rows. This score is a number which is same or different in all rows. i.e. There can be multiple rows which contains same score. Now I want to draw a bar chart which contains frequency...