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Search results

  1. jb

    Formula with constant column and changing row

    Sir it is not working. I added $. But when i drag, it remains $d4 in next cell. I am dragging horizontally.
  2. jb

    Formula with constant column and changing row

    Hello Helpers, I have written a formula =IF(Basics!D4="","",Basics!D4) in cell D5 of one worksheet. Now I want to drag formula in E5 to O5. Formula of E5 should be =IF(Basics!D5="","",Basics!D5) Formula of F5 should be =IF(Basics!D6="","",Basics!D6) and so...
  3. jb

    Copy data from one table to another table based on drop down list selection

    Hello I have 4 worksheets in one workbook with title timetable, MON, TUE, WED I have one dropdown list in h4 cell of timetable worksheet with values MON, TUE and WED. timetable sheet contains empty table with same format as MON, TUE and WED sheet. I want to copy table values from B8:T15 and...
  4. jb

    VBA code working but not able to see vba code

    Hi Helpers, My excel file contains VBA code and it is working perfectly. Various colors are shown in timetable sheet is due to VBA code. But I am not able to see VBA code. Help please.
  5. jb

    Create single list from multiple worksheets

    Thanks for help. Just for information can you explain what is VSTACK?
  6. jb

    Create single list from multiple worksheets

    Hello Helpers, I have multiple sheets each having 3 types of list. Refer Group_1, Group_2 and Group_3 sample sheets of testing excel file attached here. Row number 1 to 10 is reserved for CEO position entry. Row 1 is title and 2 to 10 is for names. Row number 11 to 20 is reserved for Secretary...
  7. jb

    Array formula to create unique list not giving desired result

    I am creating thread in VBA forum.
  8. jb

    Array formula to create unique list not giving desired result

    I am not using 365.
  9. jb

    Array formula to create unique list not giving desired result

    Sir, I need to do this unique list generation on and often. So I need formula only. Actually my formula is working. Only thing is last 0 to be removed. And I know the reason why it coming. I have used a1 to a500 in formula considering maximum 500 entries will come. If I have 100 entries and if I...
  10. jb

    Array formula to create unique list not giving desired result

    Hello helpers, I have column A in my worksheet in which I am pasting list of values which contains duplicates. Number of values to be pasted will vary every time. Now I want to create unique list in column C. I have used one array formula in column C to generate unique list. But my formula is...
  11. jb

    Search for partial string using vba

    Hello helpers, I have following code to concatenate multiple cells based on condition. I have range of cells from b17 to p17 having some text. I have a word in A26. I am searching A26 in b17 to p17 and if match is found then corresponding cells from b16 to p16 will be concatenated with : as...
  12. jb

    Merge cells from multiple sheets

    Hello helpers, I have attached sample workbook here. I have multiple classes in my school and my sample workbook contains timetable of 2 grades - grade_8A and grade_8B. There can be multiple grades. There are many teachers who takes combined sessions in more than one grades. There can be more...
  13. jb

    Calculation of marks using single formula

    Dear Helpers, I have an excel sheet with students data like roll number, name and the answers they have given in quiz. Sample file: A2 to E5. c2, d2 and e2 are correct answers of Q1, 2 and 3. I want to calculate total marks obtained by each student. For that i have created table in H3 to J5...
  14. jb

    sumproduct with dynamic cell range

    Thank you bosco_yip for quick help. both formula worked Just want to know for knowledge: In my solution, why it was giving error when I tried to replace E10 and F10 in formula of b10 ?
  15. jb

    sumproduct with dynamic cell range

    Hello Helpers, I have an excel file with 2 sheets. supervision_chart and individual supervision. supervision_chart has date wise list of supervisors. I need to generate supervision chart for each supervisor in individual_supervision sheet. When I type supervisor code in B5 cell of...
  16. jb

    Copy data from sheets of different workbook in sheets of one workbook

    Dear Helper, In my school, every teacher is maintaining own workbook where he/she maintain attendance of all the classes in which he / she is teaching. For example teacher A teaches 6 different subject then he will maintain 6 worksheets in his workbook. Now every grade has one class teacher who...
  17. jb

    Copy data from multiple workbook to one workbook without opening multiple workbook

    Dear Helpers, My school has 10 grades from 1 to 10. Each class has number of subjects and each subject is taught by one or more teachers. Now, each teacher is teaching in different grades. And he / she is maintaining attendance sheet of each class in one workbook. Say teacher A is teaching in...
  18. jb

    Copy data from sheets of different workbook in sheets of one workbook

    I am trying again to explain my problem. My school has 10 grades from 1 to 10. Each class has number of subjects and each subject is taught by one or more teachers. Now, each teacher is teaching in different grades. And he / she is maintaining attendance sheet of each class in one workbook...
  19. jb

    Copy data from sheets of different workbook in sheets of one workbook

    Sorry Helper. By mistake I gave name MATHS_6_AB. It is MATHS_7_AB.
  20. jb

    Copy data from sheets of different workbook in sheets of one workbook

    Dear Helpers, I want to automatically fetch the data from multiple workbooks into one workbook. Let me explain the scenario. There are total 10 classes (subject to increase) of different grades in my school. Each class has to study different subjects and each subject may be taught by more than...
  21. jb

    Generate dynamic list

    Hello Helpers, I have an excel sheet "list" in which there is list of participants of different games is placed. This list can be updated and new participants can be entered. Now there are 3 games so there are 3 sheets with name "game-1","game-2" and "game-3" I have shown sample output required...
  22. jb

    EXCEL file is very slow

    Hi Helpers, I have one excel file which is created to manage timetable of one educational institute. It contains many excel sheets. Main worksheet is timetable. It contains many slots. Each slot has two lines - upper line is for subject and below line is for faculty name. Master timetable is...
  23. jb

    login problem in chandoo.org

    Sir, I am facing many problems in login with your website. Your website keeeps on asking login name and password again and again. When i am trying to download answer excel file of my question, it is Not allowing me to download answer file. It immedietly ask for login name and password. I enter...
  24. jb

    Find all row numbers from a table matching a value

    Hello helpers, I have a worksheet with a table from B1:F42. This table is actually receiving values dynamically in original sheet. So the names in given table keeps on changing everyday. Column A indicates numbers 1 to 7. This numbers are work slot numbers. They are fixed. Table B45:E52 is...
  25. jb

    testing cells with text in array formula

    Sir it is not working. I have used following array formula. It works perfectly if the cell does not contain anything. =IFERROR(INDEX($B$5:$B$15,SMALL(IF(ISTEXT($B$5:$B$15),ROW($B$1:$B$11),""),ROW(B1))),"") I also know the problem. ISTEXT($B$5:$B$15) is not returning false for the cells having...